Sign-up for Pony Days 2022

Please click the tab below for what you are signing up for. You can sign up for more than one type of participation!

General information about Pony Days 2022 »

Pony Parade — sign-up

This sign-up is to secure your spot. We will send out additional information to those who sign up.

Pony Parade
Fields marked with an * are required

Does this parade entry include animals? *

Vendor in the Park — sign-up

This sign-up is to secure your spot. We will send out additional information to those who sign up.

Local Vendor in the park
Fields marked with an * are required

Important information

You will be assigned approximately 10'x10' area in Pony Park. The location of your area is at a first-come, first-serve basis but there will be a spot for everyone that has signed up. Tables, chairs and electricity is NOT provided. There is limited cellphone service at the Pony Park and no WiFi. You are responsible for your products and/or services.