Coronavirus community resources

by | Mar 22, 2020 | Event information

Dear Pony People,
We’ve been thinking about ways to support our community during this time of the corona virus outbreak, particularly those who are most vulnerable. You will find free communication tools, food and service delivery, having fun information, connections and health support in the resources ℹ️section below.


No doubt you already know people volunteering to make various pickups and deliveries.

Self-organizing helps too, reducing exposure with one person shopping instead of many.

However, if you could use some help please feel free to contact us using the form below. We are keeping a list of those who’ve already volunteered and will connect you.

Likewise, if you’ve got capacity and would like to help or have supplies or services you’d like to offer please say so in the contact form below.

There is a lot of organizing going on with resources from local food and goods deliveries to other assistance. We’ve collected a few of those services. See more below the contact form.

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ℹ️    Services, fun and resources

🍲Food and nurture: The Bozeman Winter Farmers market has collected a list of local food you can order. You’ll see some familiar names on it from the Pony Farmers market such as Kokoro Flowers and Little Stingers Honey. Please visit this page:

🗣️Communication: Jitsi to video with your loved ones. If they (or you) struggle with installing computer programs try Jitsi. It is a free, encrypted and an open source tool. It works just in a web browser. Nothing more. Recommended for everyone, not just the technologically challenged:

🧠Mental, physical and emotional wellbeing: See the Greater Good Science Center’s wonderful post on this:

📚Books: Don’t forget the Madison county library is part of Montana’s ebook and audio book lending library. Borrow online! Details here:

Additionally, hard copy books and videos are lent via the Pony post office.

🤒Health: remember the CDC page is here: ; Montana here: ; and, google page here: .

💃Fun: many concerts, performances, lessons, conversations, services and more have shifted online. BoZon  has a calendar of events. The Bozeman Daily Chronicle ; and, Madisonian list some too.